



Action Sports Uncovered: Skateboarding

Not just an action sport, skateboarding is a great way to get around too. With its roots in surfing, it has since evolved into an art form. Heavily associated with the punk rock scene of the late 1970s and early 1980s, this action sport has come so far as to be included in the upcoming 2021 Olympic Games

Once you get started you will develop your own ride enjoyment. There are 3 to choose from regular foot (riding with the left foot forward), goofy foot (opposite of regular foot), and mongo foot (rear foot stays on board while front foot pushes). 

There are hundreds of skateboarding trick combos but almost all of them begin with the Ollie. This move is a jump that allows you to gain air and jump over or onto obstacles. From there you can do a 180, a Pop Shovit, a Boardslide and loads more. The tricks are endless.

Practice this sport with the essential protective gear: elbow pads, knee pads, and a helmet. And like everything you do, we know you want to do it in style and a great pair of shoes from Vans should do the trick as well as give you comfort and that all-important grip.

